Ohio SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) funds will provide complimentary registration for the 2024 Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Conference for OSU Extension agriculture and natural resources faculty and staff. This year’s conference will be held Feb. 15 to 17 in Newark. Information about the conference can be found at conference.oeffa.org.
To take advantage of a complimentary registration, go to the registration site and complete the form. You must enter the words “Complimentary OSU Extension” as your organization/company to receive the complimentary registration, which ends Feb. 1. You must also select the pay by check option, and we will get your registration paid centrally. You do not need to send a check for payment, we will send it to OEFFA for you.
If you have questions, contact Mike Hogan or Sarah Noggle, sustainable ag team coordinators.