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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Mind the Brand: Extension Templates are Available via CFAES Brand Resources

As you create materials to use for promoting your activities, summarizing program content, and sharing with colleagues and clientele, remember to “mind the brand.” Please make sure you are doing your part to represent OSU Extension as the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, as well as part of The Ohio State University. Each of us is responsible to follow the brand standards established by the university and our college.

You are always welcome to design your own materials, but also know that you can take advantage of many templates available via CFAES Brand Resources. A number of Extension-specific templates are posted in the CFAES Template Library. Visit to access these templates. After you log in, select CFAES Brand Resources and then Template Library (templates with the Extension mark are in the subfolders).

All marketing materials should be reviewed by the university before being distributed or printed. This includes brochures, event flyers, branded student organization materials, and videos. Please send your mockups to and allow plenty of time for a response.