Bridget Britton, field specialist, behavioral health, will be presenting a webinar on March 1 (1-2 p.m.). Often when we talk about stress and mental health, professionals and others tend to focus on the farmer or agricultural worker. But what if you are a caregiver to someone? It is time to have a direct conversation with the caregiver to let them know just how important they are as well. Caregivers face many unique challenges that others never imagine.
During this webinar, topics addressed will include: ways to shift the focus solely on the caregiver for just a little while; acknowledging the barriers; reducing stress on the caregiver; and identifying and implementing a self-care routine specific to each caregiver.
In Bridget’s position, she works to bring awareness on suicide prevention, mental health wellness, and specifically farm stress. She has worked with OSU Extension for six years. Bridget is a licensed social worker in the state of Ohio and has more 10 years of experience in the field. Bridget is trained in a variety of mental health intervention strategies, including adult, youth, and teen Mental Health First Aid, QPR (question persuade, refer), and Trauma-Informed Care. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.
To participate in this free webinar, click here to access the online registration form by Feb. 27. Instructions for accessing the session will be sent to registrants by Feb. 28. Contact AgrAbility at 800-825-4264 or email if you have questions. The webinar is presented by the North Central Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Center, supported by USDA-NIFA.