The Beginner and Small Farm program is developing a new curriculum for small farm colleges to meet the Beginner Farmer Certificate requirements and allow this program to be offered by any county educator in their own county. The curriculum will consist of PowerPoints, handouts, hands-on activities, and videos. The colleges will consist of 10 hours of training using a four-session format. This “train the trainer” in-service to be held on April 27 (9 a.m.-5 p.m.) will be taught by our farm management specialists and will walk educators through the workshops that can be taught by county educators during a college program. The only thing missing from this session will be the legal sessions taught by Peggy Hall and Robert Moore. This will be an in-person training with no option for Zoom. This in-service is designed to make educators more comfortable talking to clients and teaching farm management classes in your county. A full agenda and registration information will be available in the near future.
Who should attend? Any ANR educator who wants more tools for talking about and teaching farm management in your county; ANR educators with less than five years of experience on the job. You are expected to attend to build your educational capacity in farm management; anyone who would like to host a Small Farm College in your county in the next 18 months. The training is a requirement to host a program in 2023 or 2024. Direct questions to Greg Meyer, ANR educator in Warren County at