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Ohio State University Extension


Conducting Extension Outreach on Controversial Topics Two-Session Webinar – Feb. 28, March 7

Join this two-part webinar series on Conducting Extension Outreach on Controversial Topics – to be held on Feb. 28 and March 7. Click here to register. The sessions will be recorded for those who cannot attend live. Overview: Extension work is taking the university to the public. This means that occasionally Extension professionals must engage in programming on topics that address controversial public issues. This applies to all program areas. Some of us find it difficult to know what to say or how to say it. We don’t want to say the wrong thing or be labeled as biased. This webinar will help take the uncertainty out of identifying precise roles for Extension in addressing controversial public issues. It will help Extension professionals identify approaches based on specific criteria surrounding the public issue and the Extension professional’s area of specialization.

Part 1: Learn how to identify what problems underlie controversial issues. This part rather quickly allows the Extension professional to develop a rationale as to why the issue is controversial, what the parameters are and so forth. Part 2: Take a deep dive into all the possible roles the Extension professional can take in engaging in this type of education, based on their own preferences, expertise, and scope of the controversial issue. Tom Blaine, associate professor, community development, is the main presenter, and Brian Raison is host and will provide commentary. Brian is an Extension field specialist, organizational and community leadership development; and he teaches courses in Dept. of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL).