These next few weeks are promising to be very busy and full of opportunities to reflect, reconnect, and refocus. Annual conference begins this coming Tuesday, and I look forward to seeing all of you there. I know it’s a time we all look forward to each year where we can see one another, engage in various collegial activities, and learn and share in preparation for the new year. To ensure everyone has time to make their final attendance plans and complete registrations, we are leaving registration open through Monday, Dec 6 at 12pm. The agenda is packed with wonderful topics and speakers, time for us to meet within our professional affiliations, and a chance to recognize our partners (both internal and external) for key collaborations and achievements. In addition, the County Commissioners Association of Ohio is also hosting their annual conference during these same days; and a few of us will be attending a portion of their event to share some of the exciting things that are happening within Extension and our college, to nurture relationships, and to learn some of the key issues facing these key partners at this time.
We are also approaching the holiday season, with Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Omisoka, and Christmas on the horizon. I want to offer you an early holiday season greeting and wishes for being able to take some dedicated time to relax, kick your feet up, and enjoy time with family and friends during this special season.
Be well, Jackie