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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Review of Extension Programming Update

(per Greg Davis, department chair and associate director)
You may recall that we are engaging in a review of Extension programming by program area to help inform future direction and priorities. The 4-H Youth Development review was first, and you can view the final report here. The Community Development (CD) review was this summer, and you can expect to see the final report posted by the end of this year. You can review the supporting CD reports and documentation here. Our Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) reviews are being conducted simultaneously, and we hope to have final reports posted by late-spring 2020. You can check on the status of those reviews here and here, respectively. Your assistance and involvement in these reviews is strongly encouraged; everyone can offer input via the crowdsourcing surveys (closing Dec. 18). If you are part of the FCS or ANR program areas, you are also invited to help develop the internal self-study content. To get started, contact Pat Bebo (FCS) or Andy Londo (ANR).