Listening Sessions (Sign up): We will be hosting our statewide listening sessions in August and September to seek broad stakeholder input (internal and external participants) as we continue our strategic futuring for OSU Extension.
There will be three online listening sessions for Extension professionals (faculty, staff, and students). I hope you will choose one of these to attend and provide your valuable perspective. Note: Registration is limited, so sign-up soon!
- Aug. 16 (1-3pm) – register at
- Aug. 30 (10am-12pm) – register at
- Sept. 8 (10am-12pm) – register at
We will also be hosting additional listening sessions with the state advisory councils (Extension Internal Advisory Council, State Extension Advisory Council, and Extension Partnership Advisory Council) in September.
There will be an opportunity for volunteers (MGV, 4-H, and 4-H Foundation) to participate in separate listening sessions in August or September (dates to be determined).
We would also like to have listening sessions offered locally through existing late summer or early fall Extension Advisory Committee meetings. We will provide some standard questions that can be incorporated into your agendas to ascertain local feedback. These questions will be made available with scripts and instructions in the next two weeks
Key Stakeholder Conversations (1:1): We also will be hosting a number of key stakeholder conversations in August and September. We anticipate performing approximately 200 relaxed engagement conversations with a variety of existing partners (i.e., community, industry, commodity, alumni, funders, etc.). Stay tuned for more on this effort in the coming weeks.
Extension Internal Advisory Council (EIAC): The Extension Internal Advisory Council (EIAC) was formulated and met for the first time last week. The council is made up of representatives from all professional positions in Extension, our three CFAES campuses (Columbus, Wooster, and statewide campuses), various geographic locations across the state, all four program areas (ANR, CD, FCS, 4-H), and student representation. The purpose of the council is to provide input to the associate dean and director of OSU Extension to achieve the mission of Extension. The council members' responsibilities include serving as an advisory sounding board, acting a liaison between Extension internal partners and the office of the associate dean and director, OSU Extension, and being an ambassador and advocate for the mission of Extension. The council meets three to four times/year and will have a rotation of one-year to three-year terms. Current members of the EIAC are listed in this PDF.