During the 2021 virtual conference for the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Brian Raison and Joe Lucente received national awards. Brian, field specialist in organizational and community leadership development, received the NACDEP Individual Excellence in Community Development Work for creating videos about Moving Online: Helping Extension and CD Practitioners Engage Audiences. Joe, educator focusing community development, received the ANREP (Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals) Gold Award for his work on the website: Shipwrecks and Maritime Tales of the Lake Erie Coastal Ohio Trail.
In addition, several OSU Extension colleagues presented posters: Gwynn Stewart and Nancy Bowen (Rural Economic Development Innovation (REDI) Planning Effort Supports 8-county Region in Southeast Ohio); Meghan Thoreau (How the Pandemic is Forcing Women out of the Workforce and How Extension’s Workforce Development Programs Can Respond); Brooke Beam and James Morris (Southern Ohio Farm Show: Extension Education Through Television and Digital Media); Brian Raison (Our Future Online: Improving Practice for Engaging Audiences); and Kyle White (Sparking Entrepreneurship: What would you do with $100,000? Check out Small Business Innovation Research Grants through USDA). More information about NACDEP is available online at nacdep.net.