For principal investigator faculty and staff – a proposal information will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 3 from 11:30am-12:30pm. Register to attend via Zoom, although the session will be recorded. The Ideation Workshops program involves four, 90-minute workshops facilitated by the Research Development Office. Team members will engage with one another to: build consensus and shared vocabulary on key components of an interdisciplinary or convergent research question; generate and prioritize new ideas or approaches to address the question; draft positioning strategies for potential external sponsors; draft a collaboration agreement that defines shared goals, roles and responsibilities among team members, and methods for communication and conflict resolution; and produce an action plan with major milestones for 90 days, 6 months, and 1-2 years toward submission of a proposal for external funding within 12-24 months. Teams should be comprised of three to five PO-eligible core leaders representing at least three distinct disciplines from two colleges; and interested teams are required to email their intent to apply to by Aug. 25. Complete details can be found online.