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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


News and Notes: August 2, 2021

OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.

OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Leadership Notes

  1. It’s hard to believe that we are already moving into August! It seems like this year is going faster than just about any other I can remember.

  2. Employee Appreciation

    Repeating my message from Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week last week – thank you for all you do each and every day to make OSU Extension such a gem of the college and university.

  3. Review the following strategic alignment activities and opportunities for engagement.

COVID-19 Updates

  1. Ohio State has changed the employee guidelines for reporting vaccination status to a requirement versus a recommendation, per an update from President Johnson on July 27.

College Connections

  1. The CFAES Knowledge Exchange has developed a limited series of virtual research experience tours for Extension professionals starting in late July.

  2. As things open up around the state and traveling ramps up, our partners in Extension fundraising and advancement, Pablo Villa and Trish Raridan Preston, are traveling around the state and would love to stop in your local office.

  3. CFAES Advancement also has an array of different engagement opportunities available for prospective donors to Ohio State University Extension.

Campus Connections/Partnerships

  1. For principal investigator faculty and staff – a proposal information will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 3 from 11:30am-12:30pm.

Programming Perspectives

  1. Each year, OSU Extension hosts an annual urban summit to highlight and address the unique work done throughout Ohio's metro areas.

Award Opportunities/Reminders

  1. Reminder that the next round of Ohio JCEP professional development awards are due Sept. 1.

Tech Updates

  1. Email sent from any unit within The Ohio State University should properly reflect the university’s brand. The use of branded templates ensures all emails are cohesive, consistent, and accessible.

Operations/Business of Extension

  1. Refer to the July Fiscal Update shared via the all-Extension listserv on July 30 for full details about the following information.

Celebrating Colleagues

  1. It is that time of year when our Extension representatives to the CFAES Faculty Advisory Council (FAC) end and/or begin their terms.

  2. During the 2021 virtual conference for the National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Brian Raison and Joe Lucente received national awards.

  3. Many thanks to Marlee Stollar, who worked as a graduate student associate in the director’s office this summer, while also completing an internship with the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission.

Professional Development Opportunities

  1. The Business Training and Educational Services office via CFAES Wooster is offering several online MS Office courses in late August and September.

  2. Learn new skills that are important to help advance your career.

  3. Hybrid teams are comprised of a mix of employees where some are in the same work location as their manager and/or teammates while others work at a different location on/off campus.

Health and Wellness

  1. Join the Employee Assistance Program for a 30-minute workshop to identify your needs in the transition back to non-quarantine work life and develop some approaches to help with the adjustment.

  2. Does your manager or supervisor support health and wellness in your department or college?