Thank you to everyone who participated in the July Sleep Challenge. There were many excellent tips shared on how to prepare for and get to sleep; and it was a “challenge” to select the winners. Here are some of the tips that were submitted; you may want to consider trying one (or all):
- “Before I go to sleep, I read a book. It is relaxing.”
- “Now that summer is here my favorite routine is watering my garden after I get my 4-year-old to sleep. It’s perfect weather in the dusk hours to check it out and water it. Sometimes I also listen to an audio book while I’m taking my time watering or pulling weeds when needed. Usually afterwards, my husband and I will watch an episode of whatever show we are currently watching (lately it has been The Chosen).”
- “My routine for bedtime is to wash face and brush teeth before 9:00. Get out shower items for the next morning. Stop screen time at 9:00 and go to bed by 10:05 (catch the first 5 minutes of the local news, not that it’s worth it). I try not to stray from this even on the weekends and days off as regardless I wake up by 5:30 every morning. On the weekends, I’m good at staying in bed until 6 or 6:30, resting not sleeping.”
- “Favorite routine: Doing a short meditation via the Headspace app to relax before bed (
- “I participated in the YP4H Plan for Sleep and the Steps to Better Sleep challenges, as well as logged in a nightly average of 7 hours of sleep this month. My all-time favorite night routine is to read a book and sip on decaffeinated hot tea while my tired feet are in an automatic foot massager. I bought a foot massager for my birthday this year, and it is a wonderful way to practice self-care. These activities help me relax and transition to a peaceful night of sleep.”
- “Each night when I start getting ready for bed, I turn on the Calm App to listen to the “Jasper Lake” nighttime sounds. One of my kitties, Stella, always goes to bed with me and “purrs” me to sleep while I pet her and listen to a sleep story from the Calm App. It’s all very relaxing.”
- “My sleep routine includes no social media for at least an hour before bedtime. On a perfect night, a cup of chamomile tea. I always relax by reading for 20-30 minutes – something light and not too thought-provoking.”
- “My favorite routine for relaxing before bed is having 30 minutes of screen-free time either spent on the patio or reading a book after finishing bedtime routine with my son and getting household chores taken care of.”
- “My favorite routine for relaxing before bed and for getting a great night’s rest would be to turn off the television an hour before bedtime, take a warm shower, then turn down the lights and read a book or turn off the lights and listen to a book on tape. I also use a lavender scented detergent and dryer sheet for my linens and towels to help with the olfactory sense to calm and start the relaxation process in bed. I have a soft blanket that I either cuddle or cover with. When I lay down, I do the following breathing technique to further calm and slow down my brain: Breathe in, breathe out, repeat for a slowly. Start with 4 breaths–breathing in through your nose for a count of 4 and out through your mouth for a count of 8. My smart thermostat adjusts the temperature to 65 degrees an hour before bedtime to help with the ability to stay asleep.”
- “Tips I use to help me fall asleep are staying off electronics before bed, taking a lavender bath, using a sleep spray on my pillow, and making a to-do list for the next day so I do not have that list keeping me up all night.”
Congratulations to our challenge winners: Diana Goode, Laura Stanton, and Jenny Strickler. Thank you to again to all of you who participated, and watch for upcoming challenges!