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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Healthiest Cities and Counties Challenge

Green Umbrella, along with The Health Collaborative, Produce Perks Midwest, Freestore Foodbank and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program handled via OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences have joined hands to organize this solution to address access to foods that promote good health for all Cincinnati residents. This Cincinnati, Ohio team is working hard to develop a coordinated solution to food access, affordability and education in the region by convening food access advocates, nutrition educators, health care partners and community voices.  

The team will actively engage community members to identify gaps that impact food access and utilize feedback from the community to develop a strategic plan to support partner organizations in their work to improve policies and practices. A community advisory board will be developed so that Cincinnati residents’ voices are central to all planning and implementation efforts of the project. Furthermore, university researchers will join forces with the team in order to help evaluate the effort. This project’s focus on food access and education will help the Cincinnati team achieve their broader goal of developing and maintaining healthier lives for the city’s residents. Read more here.