Collaborated with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) to source personal protective equipment for producers.
Partnered with ODA to clarify recommendations on managing farmers markets during the shutdown.
Shared information on nutrition incentive programs to help Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Education (SNAP-Ed) recipients stretch their food dollars.
Offered multiple educational webinars (475 views to-date) via the AgMadness Tournament of Education, addressing ways producers would need to adjust operations to continue to sell their products.
Worked with producers to provide information about online sales platforms they could use to sell products in a low- or no-contact manner.
Developed webinars to share information about federal assistance made available to farmers, such as personal protective equipment programs, Economic Injury Disaster Loans, and Farmers to Families Food Box programs.
More materials under development to help producers operate through the fall season (you-pick pumpkins, agritourism, etc.) while adjusting for social distancing, sanitizing, and other COVID-19 restrictions.