NAE4-HYDP Blanket Exemption for Registration for the Virtual Annual Conference: If you are planning to register for this year’s NAE4-HYDP virtual conference and have organizational funds to cover that expense, you will need to include this email with your eRequest for your registration. The Early Bird deadline for a reduced rate of $200 ends Saturday, Aug. 15 (tomorrow).
Note: you should also have your supervisor’s prior approval to spend organizational funds before you complete registration.
NAE4-H YDP annual conference information, including the link to register, is here.
ESP Virtual Conference: I approve Extension professionals to register for the 2020 Epsilon Signa Phi virtual conference.
Please include this approval email with your eRequest backup for your registration purchase (PCard or personal reimbursement).
Dates: Oct. 6-8, 2020
Cost: $100 for members through Sept. 7, 2020, $125 after Sept. 7. Life members = $50. Non-members = $150.
Here is a link to the registration site and conference details.