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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Swine Industry Response and Education in Partnership with Industry and Other Agencies

Do you have any swine in your county? 
In response to the very difficult situation in the swine industry, as a result of the broken chain at the processing facilities, we are calling an emergency meeting of county educators and NRCS district conservationists for Friday at 10:30am. This meeting will prepare educators to be first responders to swine producers that are forced to depopulate their herds. We hope that this will not happen but must be prepared. 

Representatives from ODA, Ohio Pork Council, NRCS, Animal Science, and OSU Extension will be on the call. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION—EXTENSION PROFESSIONALS ONLY. 

  • Topic: Swine Industry 
  • Time: May 1, 2020 10:30am Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
  • Join Zoom Meeting: