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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


News and Notes: April 29, 2020

OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.

OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Leadership Notes

  1. I am so very proud of how you have all been handling the various changes and challenges we have been experiencing these last weeks and months.

COVID-19 Updates

  1. On Monday, the Governor announced some new guidance related to reopening sectors.

  2. The university has appointed a series of smaller transition teams that filter back up to President Drake’s Post-Pandemic Operations Task Force to develop the “how” and “when” of returning to on-campus operations.

  3. We still haven’t heard from half of the counties about who is going to be responsible for picking up mail.

  4. The COVID-Connect portal has been developed in response to the evolving and emergent needs of Ohio communities related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  5. Just a quick heads up that the COVID-19 Hub ( now has links to state resources, continued closures, and protocols for reopening businesses around the state.

Campus Connections/Partnerships

  1. To focus attention on Ohio State’s core mission, Provost Bruce McPheron (@medflygenes) launched a Twitter initiative this week to highlight some of the university’s academic and interdisciplinary successes, and he has invited the university community to join him.

Community Connections

  1. “Extension offices in Pennsylvania and Ohio have been closed to the public for more than a month."

Programming Perspectives

  1. Many thanks to Beth Guggenbiller for coming up with My Stay-at-Home Summer, an idea starter (365.32) that offers a fresh take and creative reminder about what it means to be in 4-H. 

  2. County offices remain closed, of course, and 4-H volunteers and members are getting the publications materials they need for projects, just in different ways.

  3. Perry County 4-H advisors Drew and Elaine Glenn and Jessica Boring created the Virtual Cattle Battle for youth to virtually show their livestock.

  4. Ta-dah! The 2020 4-H Conference videos are now on A very big shout-out to Amanda Raines for having this terrific idea and guiding the project, and the CFAES video team for its assistance. 

Operations/Business of Extension

  1. Budgets are another topic where a bit of ambiguity remains. The university, the college, and OSU Extension are still awaiting more clarity about how COVID-19 will affect the federal, state, and local funding.

  2. We've had a few questions come up from folks that were concerned about not being able to use their vacation leave before their service anniversary.

Celebrating Colleagues

  1. Alan has been a constant and steady leader around sustainable agriculture, including cover crops, soil quality, organic grain production, and tillage for more than 25 years.

  2. A number of 4-H professionals received notification last week that their proposals for seminars and posters were accepted for the 2020 NAE4-HA conference.

Professional Development Opportunities

  1. The Home Buyer Education workshop is a total of eight hours (two four-hour sessions).

  2. North Central Cooperative Extension Association Speed Meetings feature several of our own from OSU Extension.

  3. Before publishing you content online, ensure your content is polished!

  4. Attend the North Central Region Network Conference to engage with colleagues from your region.

  5. If time allows in your telecommute schedule, now may be an excellent time to explore the features of Workday and learn more about it.

  6. In response to the very difficult situation in the swine industry, as a result of the broken chain at the processing facilities, we are calling an emergency meeting of county educators and NRCS district conservationists for Friday at 10:30am.