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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


O.N.E. Extension – Onboard. Network. Excel. for Veteran Extension Employees

As originally announced last fall, the O.N.E. Extension - Onboard. Network. Excel. program resumed in March. In addition to the new-hire cohort programs (invitation only), the “Veteran Series” is open to all Extension personnel, regardless of years of service or position. This is an opt-in series that takes place on Wednesdays from 9am-noon. You can attend just one session for which you have a specific topic interest, or you can register for all sessions. The attached agenda includes session titles, dates, objectives, and presenters. There is a unique registration link for each session. You need to register for each session individually, and you may register until the start time of the session. --- There also is a OneDrive with resources for the modules. This OneDrive is open (view only) to anyone with an Ohio State University email address: Veteran Spring 2021 - ONE Extension - Onboard Network Excel. Note: this is a working resource and is continued to be updated with each new session.