CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


News and Notes: April 22, 2021

OUR VISION: Ohioans have the knowledge and resources they need to actively engage in creating conditions in which they thrive.

OUR MISSION: We create opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic and environmental conditions.

Leadership Notes

  1. Thank you to all of our administrative professionals for all of your hard work, tireless efforts, and enthusiastic support. You are key to our success! We appreciate you today and every day!

  2. In OSU Extension, we believe that there is no place for racism, demonstrated by our mission to “…actively engage in creating conditions in which [all Ohioans] thrive.”

  3. The link to the April 14 video update is available with the integrated audio transcript online.

COVID-19 Updates

  1. This is a long message, but it contains critical information for updated in-person programming and return to offices guidance and expectations. Please read all of it carefully for clarity and consistent understanding of our next steps.

  2. We have been granted the ability to cease the in-person exemption process and, effective immediately, NO NEW in-person programming exemptions will need to be submitted for review – if there will be FEWER than 300 attendees.

  3. We are delighted to share that we have received approval for our plans to move forward with conducting both day and overnight 4-H camps this summer.

College Connections

  1. The CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education extends its appreciation to all who participated in Celebration of Research Week festivities in early April.

  2. Mark your calendar to attend the Making Dollars Make Sense in-service presented by OSU Extension, the Fiscal office, and Advancement.

Campus Connections/Partnerships

  1. The 2021 Ohio Economic Forum: Regaining Ohio’s Leadership in the U.S. Economy features Dr. Mark Partridge, C. William Swank Chair of Rural-Urban Policy at Ohio State and professor in the CFAES Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics.

Community Connections

  1. OSU Extension and the Ohio Department of Agriculture have partnered again for a second year of the Victory Gardens program.

Programming Perspectives

  1. National 4-H has put mental health awareness front and center by reaching out to youth across the country, and they’re getting valuable assistance from Ohio 4-H.

  2. This webinar on April 29 will provide recent results from leading forest economic models that estimate the costs and potential of carbon sequestration in U.S. forests.

  3. The 2021 Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Laboratory spring program will be held virtually on April 30.

Award Opportunities/Reminders

  1. The spring application for grant funds from the Ohio JCEP grant program is available until April 30.

  2. The next round of Ohio JCEP professional development awards are due May 1.

  3. Conducting scholarship that is mutually beneficial for the university scholar and for the community is a topic of great interest to members of the Engaged Scholarship Consortium (ESC).

Tech Updates

  1. Prepare to transition from BuckeyeBox to OneDrive by joining an online, instructor-led class about OneDrive or Teams in May.

Celebrating Colleagues

  1. The Ohio State Office of Outreach and Engagement recently recognized Susan Colbert, community engagement and expansion program director with OSU Extension in Franklin County, as a Community Connector.

  2. The Ohio winners in the 2021 National Association of County Agricultural Agents’ Search for Excellence program have been announced.

  3. The Ohio winners in the 2021 National Association of County Agricultural Agents’ Communications award program have been announced.

Professional Development Opportunities

  1. The Bridges Out of Poverty workshop on April 28 (1-3pm) will help participants understand the causes of poverty and address it in our community.

  2. Join the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) for the last topic in its current series “ACEL to Extension” – offered directly for Extension personnel by ACEL faculty.

  3. As originally announced last fall, the O.N.E. Extension - Onboard. Network. Excel. program resumed in March. In addition to the new-hire cohort programs (invitation only), the “Veteran Series” is open to all Extension personnel, regardless of years of service or position.

  4. Learn everything you need to know to begin thinking differently about collaboration, how to help groups/teams have different (and more productive) kinds of conversations, and how to make sure that conversation turns into action.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  1. The Women’s Place is inviting men and male-identified colleagues to contribute to the Advocates and Allies initiative for gender equity.

Health and Wellness

  1. The Your Plan for Health spring challenge runs through May 30. Earn up to 5,000 points for participating in the Explore the Mediterranean team challenge.