The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) and OSU Extension kicked off the fifth year of the Ohio Victory Gardens program earlier this week. This year, the program expanded to include 64 counties.
“We want all Ohioans to experience the pride of growing their own food,” said ODA Director Brian Baldridge. “Planting those seeds, watching that produce grow, and being able to provide those nutritious foods for your family is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in agriculture. We encourage all folks to plant their own victory garden.”
“Our partnership with ODA on the Ohio Victory Garden program allows Ohioans to learn about agriculture and where their food comes from,” said Dr. Cathann A. Kress, vice president of agricultural administration and dean of The Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). “It provides a glimpse into the science and dedication involved by those who work in the food system every day to bring fresh produce into grocery stores, farmer's markets, and restaurants.”
OSU Extension offices started handing out free seed kits to the public on April 10. Specific days and times for each office are available on the Ohio Victory Gardens website, as well as planting resources and information about seed distribution.