-Pat Bebo, assistant dean for outreach and engagement in the College of Education and Human Ecology; division director, Family and Consumer Sciences; and assistant director, OSU Extension
Your feedback is critically important to the future goals developed for this project. Visit go.osu.edu/extensionvaccineopinionsurvey and provide input by 5pm today. EXCITE stands for the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching and Engagement. This is a joint initiative between Cooperative Extension and the CDC. The goal of the long-term partnership is to strengthen immunization education with a special focus on adult vaccination hesitancy around COVID and other adult immunizations. The immediate goal of this first funded project is to promote the uptake of COVID-19 vaccinations through relevant messaging and innovative models for community action. Learn more at extension-5.hubspotpagebuilder.com/cdc. Our first action is to “take the temperature” of the communities in which you work and our own organization too, so we created a short, easy survey to do just that. Thank you in advance for your insight and honesty. The survey is 100 percent anonymous.