CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Qualtrics Behind BuckeyePass

    Nov 30, 2021

    Ohio State is expanding use of multifactor authentication to increase the level of security to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing university information. On Jan. 1, Ohio State will integrate the use of BuckeyePass (Duo) with Qualtric. BuckeyePass is provided to faculty, staff and students to help protect their accounts even if a password is stolen. Qualtrics is a widely used survey tool often used to collect research information. [onCampus Today: 11.30.21]

  2. Rental Car Guidance

    Nov 30, 2021

    Some Rental Car Company Offices may take our Department PCards, but if not, then pay and get reimbursed… NOTE: National, Enterprise and Hertz are the university’s contracted suppliers for business rental car services. Business Rentals must be associated with an approved Spend Authorization.

  3. Expense Item “Food” Clarification for OSP and UNIV Grants

    Nov 30, 2021

    When entering FOOD purchases in Workday as OSP grant expenditures (using FD520- for ‘Grants and Contracts Sponsored Programs Fund’ with a GR#) whether PCard or other mode of paying, please be sure to use the Expense Item ‘Teaching Aids and Materials’ (SC10699) so the expense will post to the correct budget category on the grant. This holds true for SNAP-Ed and other OSP grants.

  4. TAX FORMS - for Traveling/Purchasing

    Nov 19, 2021

    TAX FORMS - Consider having these with you when traveling/purchasing:

  5. Steps to Order OSP Grant Gift Cards for Research Participants

    Nov 19, 2021

    Ordering Electronic Gift Cards in Workday: (please note: this is for OSP Grants only/gift cards for research participants)

    NOTE: Request the purchase order well ahead of time- as early as possible.

    Log in to Workday, Click on “request travel or purchase” icon

  6. Airfare Not Permitted on PCards

    Sep 21, 2021

    A reminder: the university's travel initiative requires that all business travel airfare must be booked through the university's contracted agencies.

    Airfare with business travel requirements:

  7. Print a Purchase Order in Workday

    Sep 1, 2021

    To print out a copy of an unpaid Purchase Order (doesn't appear to be an option for fully paid POs) : locate PO in Workday- in View Purchase Order screen, scroll mid-way of page to line of SERVICE LINES, PROCESS HISTORY, ATTACHMENTS, PRINTING RUNS, BALANCES - choose 'Printing Runs' and click on link under 'PDF File' for PO- (opens a printable pdf, click on printer icon)

  8. Awards - Giveaways - Prizes

    Aug 30, 2021


    When purchasing goods (items that hold no cash value) with the intent to give it away, we need complete backup documentation to include who received the item(s). If recipients are known- attach a list/spreadsheet with your expense report. If the items are for general giveaway to public (like promotional items at a display table) please note that in your business purpose.

  9. Reimburse Local Checking Account Job Aid

    Aug 30, 2021

    Local Checking Account Reimbursement see Job Aid

    Step one: A one-time setup is necessary to add your office as a miscellaneous payee. Have your local checking account banking information ready when setting up the miscellaneous payee.

    Step two: Create Miscellaneous Payment Request for the reimbursement

  10. Invoice Submission Requirements

    Aug 26, 2021

    INVOICES: DO NOT FAX OR MAIL (OR HAVE SUPPLIERS SEND) HARD COPY INVOICES TO COLUMBUS AG ADMIN: invoices are only to be emailed to – they must have an INVOICE # (cannot be a duplicate invoice # used in the past), INVOICE DATE and CORRECT FORMAT FOR Purchase Order numbers…
