Apr 28, 2022
Handle county-to-county payments within University funds when possible, not necessary to write a check -OSU to OSU
Before the expense: use the other county/department’s Worktags in the expensing. If paying for supplies/items, put other department/office’s Worktags in expensing PCard entry; if paying for another department/office staff’s travel: put other department/office’s worktags in for the SA/Expense Report and attach preapproval to use the othe county's Worktags.
Apr 18, 2022
Blanket Purchase Orders can be used for leasing postage equipment. Please use: Quadient Leasing and Pitney Bowes Inc. for the equipment leasing agreements. If your agreement is still current, you can upload that same agreement for each new Purchase Order for the years that it covers. Otherwise, please contact the company to obtain a new agreement to attach as a quote in the requisition.
Mar 23, 2022
Clarification on OPERS form for vendor setup
Previous guidance was that the OPERS form was needed with the vendor setup form when paying an individual for a service. It appears now that any payments (excluding reimbursements or miscellanenous payments for youth awards) to an individual, or sole proprietor, for goods or services requires the OPERS form along with the vendor setup form (primarily for requisitions).
Mar 19, 2022
There are a couple of methods to make corrections for our transactions in Workday:
Mar 19, 2022
CFAES Finance created these BUSINESS PURPOSE HELPFUL HINTS overview and webpages (links below) to help ensure a complete 'Business Purpose' is part of every expense utilizing University money.
Mar 17, 2022
Better business justification needed on food/meal purchases- entries are telling what and who, but not really addressing the "why".
Examples of a better justification:
Mar 17, 2022
Pre-Trip/Post Trip Per Diem
When filling out the Spend Authorization (SA) use the PRE trip per diem (before the trip) and for the Expense Report (ER) use the POST trip per diem for after the trip.
Mar 16, 2022
Extension Operations worked with the Treasurer’s Office in September 2020 to roll out the new NelNet Commerce Manager payment platform for all county offices to accept credit card payments. This Commerce Manager is basic but flexible, and can handle payments for goods and services. Payments may include soil test kits, program books, registrations and 4-H Camp payments to name a few. We should not take payments from other OSU departments, payments for donations or payments for grants/contracts.
Jan 29, 2022
The ability to add attachments to a Workday transaction varies based on the business process. How and when the attachment is added will determine whether workflow is retriggered. A new quick reference guide for attachments is now available to help you quickly understand the options for adding attachments to a transaction.
Jan 29, 2022
"Find Purchase Order Summary – OSU" and "Find Purchase Order Details – OSU" are replacing these reports "Find Purchase Orders" and "Find Purchase Orders – OSU" as of January 31, 2022. [Source: Newslink, 1.10.22]