CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Reactivate ECM in Workday

    Jan 11, 2023

    Reactivate ECM (External Committee Member)

    In Workday Search field type in Find External Committee Members for Expenses, FOR NAME: type in part of name of ECM (not necessary to type full name). For COMMITTEE: click 3 lines and choose “Expenses for Guests and Students”(usually). In ECM table of possible ECMs, to the far left -click the 3 dots beside the name of the one you want to ACTIVATE. In that window hover over Actions/Committee Membership and click on Manage Committee Membership.

  2. Internal Registration Guidance

    Oct 11, 2022

    When an internal meeting/inservice/conference will charge a fee to attendees and those attendees will be OSU Extension or FAES employees, the host unit should collect the worktags for those attending and request a journal entry to bill the participants and collect the revenue.

  3. Purchase Order (PO) Assistance for Change Order or Closure

    Sep 22, 2022

    To submit a PO Change Order or Closure service request, please complete this webform

    Service Center Webform


  4. Contracted Suppliers NEW Searchable Listing in Buckeye Buy

    Jun 28, 2022

    When choosing ‘Buckeye Buy’ use CONNECT to search the online store for Preferred and Contracted Supplier catalogs, use the NEW link to search the familiar Business Finance “Find a Suppler” page by clicking on ‘OSU Purchasing Contract Book’

    Suppliers can now be searched by keyword, product category, certifications, and designations such as MBE, EDGE, Buckeye Buy, etc.                [Newslink: 6.27.22]

  5. PCard Transaction CleanUp and Report to Run

    Jun 28, 2022

    The service center is looking to clear up the backlog of unexpensed PCard transactions.  Please run "Credit Card Transactions- OSU" report monthly:

    In SEARCH type in 'Credit Card Transactions-OSU’ to find a report that will show:

  6. UPDATE on Expensing: CTP Booking, Expensing and Flight Invoices

    Jun 28, 2022

    CTP Airfare 
  7. End of Year Items

    May 30, 2022

    Some open items in Workday affect our encumbrance balances.

    Purchase Order Closures – on the CFAES site- please request closing any purchase orders that have completed but have an outstanding balance.

    Spend Authorization Closures

  8. Guidance on Blanket Spend Authorizations

    May 30, 2022

    Please only create ONE BLANKET Spend Authorization, even if using multiple Worktags - this can be done with multiple lines on the SA.

    Preference is that it covers the entire year- July 1 current year – June 30 following year (though SAs can be done July to December and again January to June).

    Blanket In-State Mileage

  9. Change Your Search Preference Back to "All of Workday"

    May 30, 2022

    Click on Profile (person icon in upper right corner) and choose “My Account” – Change Preferences, then under Search Preferences for Workday Search Provider as ‘Classic Workday Search’ and Preferred Search Category as “All of Workday” and will need to restart Workday.

  10. Telework Mileage and Parking Reimbursement Notes

    May 30, 2022

    No reimbursement for errands or mileage to the office when officially teleworking. If required to attend an off-site meeting while teleworking, reimbursement does not need to include commute miles.
