Jun 14, 2023
Only the PCard Manager can have a login for the CFAES Amazon Business Account. All Amazon PCard purchases are required to be purchased through an Amazon Business account and cannot be made through personal Amazon accounts. Office staff that wish to make a purchase through Amazon can simply send product links to the PCard manager to make the purchase on their behalf.
Jun 14, 2023
The new Expenses Hub is live within the Workday Menu options. The Expenses Hub is a central location for managing your expense-related tasks and transactions and will display transactions that require your attention. It is not intended to manage the Expense tasks and transactions that you have submitted on behalf of others as part of an administrative role.
May 18, 2023
If your office receives any checks written to OSU that should be written to another entity, we are not to accept them and especially not to cash them. Either return them to the originator and ask them to re-write them or ask the group/entity that the check should be written to if they would check with their bank if they would accept them as is with our OSU Extension stamp on the back and allow them to deposit them in that entities bank account.
May 9, 2023
While planning to travel out-of-state, one thing to consider is looking up to find if the state you are traveling to is exempt for state sales tax. Find the list on the Business and Finance website:
Apr 24, 2023
Only close Spend Authorizations whose dates have passed, or you are SURE you will no longer need.
in workday Search for: MY Spend Authorizations
In the table that should open up, click the … (3 dots) by the magnifying glass clear to the left side of screen
Click on blue link to SA#, in black bar at the top -click the … (3 dots) at the end of the words
Apr 24, 2023
Workday, at the HOME screen click on View All Apps
Choose TIME from the Menu
Choose the week you wish to enter in hours
Verify dates, Regular- Click NEXT
Choose the days of the week that would all have the SAME time applied
Fill the time in for IN, OUT for Meal
Apr 23, 2023
Travel Approval Process, Travel Policy Link and Policy Clarification on Ability to Claim Mileage to Headquarters
Travel Approval Process
Mar 29, 2023
FD522, for many county cost centers, includes misc grants that were converted from PeopleSoft to workday. These 50xxxx grant funds converted to a GRxxxxx worktag.
Mar 28, 2023
Comparison Worksheet:
A travel Comparison Worksheet is needed when traveling to a neighboring state as sometimes a rental car is cheaper than using a personal vehicle.
One thing to note is the system doesn’t always provide a location for the destination and the traveler has to choose “All Other Continental US Locations, United States of America” - this is why it is vital that an agenda is attached with the “where/when/why” detailed and adding city/state to the Justification field is very helpful.
Mar 23, 2023
For every employee there are three levels of worktags associated with them and their position. First the Organizational Assignment, then the Position costing, then the Worker costing. The Worker Costing is typically where actual payroll hits (however, if a worker costing allocation isn't done, payroll actuals will hit the Position costing). Organization Assignments have some worktags restricted from use at this high level (grants and gifts for example). Therefore, we need to use some other funding source at this level.