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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Insurance for OCIO Equipment

    Apr 13, 2020

    The following information was provided by OCIO leadership and the Risk Management & Insurance department regarding insurance coverage for OCIO owned equipment (Computers, Skype equipment, networking equipment, etc).

    The cost/deductible of these stolen or damaged computers/equipment would be charged to the department/units.

     The University’s property insurance will cover a loss at an Extension office if:

  2. Office of Sponsored Projects Updated Record Retention

    Mar 31, 2020

    Original receipts can be disposed of/destroyed once the expense posts in the financial system. This will align OSP with University policy on record retention and is allowable by sponsors. Since the electronic document/digital image is the back-up record for auditing purposes and is stored in the University controlled and secured financial system, it can be retained for an infinite period of time.

  3. PDF in NOTES on iPhones

    Mar 25, 2020

    Scan pdfs from iPhones (Androids: Adobe Scan app is approved for use by OCIO)

    iPhones: go into the NOTES app, create a NEW note, hit the + or camera icon and a menu will come up. Select SCAN DOCUMENTS. Can adjust the image.

  4. Signature Authority

    Mar 4, 2020

    Reminder: only a handful of people in the University are authorized to sign legally binding documents on behalf of Ohio State. This would include any contracts, agreements, MOUs, etc.

    These contracts could be for both goods/services we provide to others, as well as goods/service we procure from others; regardless of the dollar value.

    Even if something you are asked to sign appears to be innocuous, it may still require review and approval from one of our legal representatives.

  5. Faculty and Staff Appreciation Guidance

    Dec 9, 2019


    Departments/units should spend no more than $75/employee, per year for staff appreciation and events.  While this amount does not include rental fees for space, tables, chairs, etc., it does include all food, beverage, entertainment, games, and any gifts.  Keep in mind, all applicable tax rules must be followed if giving gifts to employees.

    Generally speaking, holiday parties and staff appreciation week events would be included in this category; and our guidance is these events should not include gifts/gift cards from University funding sources.

  6. OSU Extension Severe Weather Operating Procedures

    Dec 7, 2018

    In accordance with university policy during snowy and icy weather, the following short-term closing procedures must be followed for county-based Extension offices:
