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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension



  1. Confirm "Deliver To" Location Shows Floor and Room#

    Jan 25, 2021

    When placing orders or entering requests, the system now requires the 'deliver to' address to show the floor and room# - the easiest way to make these changes is to X out what is there, and type in county name or office name and hit enter and it should bring up a couple of choices, be sure to select the one with the Room and Floor #s...

  2. AP - Accounts Payable

    Jan 21, 2021

    PO invoices are to be emailed to PO invoices over $3k or blanket PO invoices will require additional approval in Workday, after AP processes the invoice, before the invoice will pay. The initiator of the PO request will have to approve these.
  3. Personal Reimbursements

    Jan 21, 2021

    Per the updated Expenditures and Purchasing policy, personal reimbursements are at the bottom of the procurement decision tree and should be used as a last resort. Extension has historically relied rather heavily on personal reimbursements, and we know that sometimes that is the best option. You can submit for reimbursement of personal expenses for goods/supplies using an expense report.
  4. Non-Employee Reimbursements

    Jan 21, 2021

    Non-employee reimbursements: We should avoid these as much as possible and use our own procurement methods to make purchases instead of our volunteers. Unsure to this point which panel we will use for these reimbursements.

  5. Education Scholarships to Colleges/Student Awards to Students

    Jan 21, 2021

    Student Scholarships and Student Awards
  6. PCard Update

    Jan 12, 2021

    PCard Update: Logs

    The University PCard office has issued two new required tracking logs:

    PCard Tracking Log (Non-Travel) - To track the purchases on the PCard that do not have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance.

  7. Interest Income 1099-INT Forms

    Jan 2, 2021

    FISCAL STEWARDS/LEVEL 1 APPROVERS: Email a copy of your Interest Income "1099-INT" forms to Jesse as he needs to collect them and send to the Controller's Office for their Tax Reporting for the previous year.

  8. Mileage Rate down to $.56 as of 1/1/2021

    Jan 1, 2021

    IRS issues standard mileage rates for 2021

    WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued the 2021 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business purposes.

    Beginning on Jan. 1, 2021, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be:

    56 cents per mile driven for business use, down from 2020 $.575
  9. Extension is to use Extension's Deposit Transmittal Form

    Nov 24, 2020

    When sending in checks to be deposited into your Columbus funds - BE SURE TO USE OSU Extension Deposit Transmittal Form  AND BE SURE TO SEND TO: Dawnn Brown IN ROOM 3 - NOT the Service Center in Room 4- they do NOT handle our deposits. The full address is on the EXTENSION form.

  10. Salary & Benefit Calculation Tools

    Aug 21, 2020

    University Rates: Faculty 24.6%, Unclassified 32.3%, Classified Civil Service 32.3%, Specials 16%, Enrolled Students 0.5%, Post-Doctoral Fellows 3.2%, Graduate Associates 10.6% This is a change from what the University previously reported this year. Rates will be held the same for 9/1/20-8/31/21 as they were this year.
