WORKDAY: TIPS, Training and Resources
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- Send Backs: When editing a transaction following a send back comment, correct the issue, and leave a comment as to what was corrected. Examples of send back corrections: SA#s missing on header page of ER, missing list of participants when food is purchased.
- Internal Purchases: When purchasing on a requisition from an OSU (internal) supplier, please provide the worktags in the Internal Memo field in addition to your goods/services lines. This helps facilitate the internal billing process for our internal suppliers.
- Expense Reports: The itemization section only needs to be used when splitting out worktags between different Expense Items, two different cost centers, funds, grants, programs, etc.
- ER/PCard TIPS: Keep the ER to 5 lines or less per entry. The Expense Report will be held up if one of the lines has an issue and is sent back for corrections. It is a good idea to group like expenses (same or similar business purpose) together on one Expense Report.
- Expense Items: Reminder to only use the ‘Office Supplies’ expense item with Staples orders. Other purchases should utilize teaching aids and materials... be sure to not use “services” expense items with goods type orders.
Training and Resources
- Administrative Resource Center (link is external) - ARC - A complete library of all available Workday guides, job aids, training, and answers to frequently asked questions.
- BuckeyeLearn (link is external) - All training that core users are expected to take will be listed on an individual's BuckeyeLearn transcript. Training is assigned on a rolling basis, so check your BuckeyeLearn Transcript (link is external) often.
There are two glossaries. One on the enterprise project site and one on the ARC.