TRAVEL expenses paid on a Department PCard must be reassigned to the traveler so they can insert their SA# (Spend Authorization #) in the expensing entry. The traveler is to do this within 7 business days of the transaction date. (The card manager is responsible for all NON-TRAVEL related purchases.)
To REASSIGN an expense to another employee:
Log into Workday, in SEARCH type Reassign Expense Credit Card Transactions or a short version of that and hit enter. (Less is more when typing in the Search bar.)
In this task, Select ALL in the applicable worker credit card filter (it will display the card(s) assigned to the PCard Manager).
- Select the applicable card
- Enter a specific date range to narrow your output results (it will default to one year prior to today’s date).
(Due to expected frequency of reassignment, it is recommended that a date range frequency is established to limit overlap of transactions already reassigned.)
- Click OK
In the New Expense Payee column
- Click the "X" to delete your name and enter the employee's name or ID number to whom you are reassigning the transaction.
(Refer to the applicable PCard Tracking Log for the selected card as a reference for assignment.)
Caution in employee name/ID entry to ensure the transaction is assigned to the correct employee.
- Click OK
Screen will display what was changed.
- Click Done
Make NOTE: Though the new assignee has been designated, the credit card transaction will continue to display in the PCard Manager’s Reassign Expense Credit Card Transactions/Reassign Transactions to Assignee** list until the transaction has been expensed. If a transaction has been reassigned to an individual but then needs to be reassigned back to the PCard Manager the current assignee of the transaction must complete the reassignment.
Create Expense Report for Worker - when needing to complete an expense report for another employee... for TRAVEL expenses on the PCard, would need Name/SA# to put in the entry and Itemized Receipt.