- BuckeyeBuy-the preferred buying method- is available to make purchases and requires shipment to office. Use the Region catalog for Staples.
- Before you start in Workday, search the supplier list to learn about suppliers and their products. In general, use internal suppliers first to see if they can supply what you need, then check other suppliers.
After you submit your purchase, it will go through an approval process before being sent to the supplier.
- Before you start in Workday, search the supplier list to learn about suppliers and their products. In general, use internal suppliers first to see if they can supply what you need, then check other suppliers.
- Non-catalog purchase (regular purchase order to non-contracted vendor).
- This would be for any purchase that may require a PO and the vendor is not on contract. Here is a list of the restricted spend categories that would require a purchase order and will route for additional approvals. Please review this job aid: Local Checking Account and Pcard Restrictions – list of items not allowable from the local checking account or pcard, alternative procurement methods advised.
- Supplier/Payee Setup Form is for adding a new supplier in Workday
- To request a new supplier be added in Workday: Ohio State end users with access to create requisitions must submit a non-catalog purchase requisition without a supplier. More information for creating the new supplier can be found in the Creating a Supplier Record job aid. In addition, requisitions without a supplier will be further vetted by Service Centers/Buyers, Commodity Managers, and Supplier Administrators. The Supplier Administrator will invite the new prospective supplier after the request has been approved. Once the supplier completes registration and the Supplier Administrator team screens the supplier, the supplier will be created in Workday and the requisition will be fulfilled.
- For new "individual" supplier/vendor, please fill out the OPERS Form
- Non-catalog req job aid
To request a purchase order be created, it must be REQUESTED in Workday in either of these ways:
- In the Search field type CREATE REQUISITION, this starts with the Worktags so you only have to enter them once.
- Click MENU (or 'View All Apps' link) on Workday home page, click Requisitions link and follow the steps there
TO PRINT OUT THE PO FOR YOUR RECORDS (not required): locate an unpaid PO in Workday- in View Purchase Order screen, scroll mid-way of page to line of SERVICE LINES, PROCESS HISTORY, ATTACHMENTS, PRINTING RUNS, BALANCES - choose 'Printing Runs' and click on link under 'PDF File' for PO- (opens a printable pdf, click on printer icon)
INVOICES: DO NOT FAX OR MAIL (OR HAVE SUPPLIERS SEND) HARD COPY INVOICES TO COLUMBUS: invoices are only to be emailed to apinvoices@osu.edu – they must have an INVOICE #, INVOICE DATE and CORRECT FORMAT FOR Purchase Order numbers…
CORRECT FORMAT FOR PO#S ON INVOICES: USE FORMAT PO-XXXXXXXXXX, do NOT use PO# or (PO-XXXXXXXXXX) or PO XXXXXXXXXX or other format – IF the brainware reader cannot make out the correct number to use in Workday, the invoice will not get paid. Best to add the PO number clearly, near the top of the invoice as a standalone number. If the suppliers are sending directly, ask them to CC you to ensure invoice is formatted correctly.