PCard Update:
The University PCard office has issued two new required tracking logs:
PCard Tracking Log (Non-Travel) - To track the purchases on the PCard that do not have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance.
PCard Tracking Log (Travel) - To track the purchases on the PCard that have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance.
Logs are required whenever someone other than the PCard manager uses the card to make a purchase. However, still encourage the use of the log for all transactions to help with expense reports and statement reconciliation.
Records retention
These logs should be maintained per the University’s records retention schedule for 4 years plus the current year.
There is no records retention requirement for the PCard statements, but you may attach them with your logs for retention if you wish.
Receipts can be destroyed after approximately 60 days. The receipts attached in Workday with your expense reports are the official auditable document.
Workday and the PCard policy do not require any pre-approval of PCard expenses. You do not need to enter anything in the system until after the card is charged and the transaction is loaded from the bank.
Extension Operations is working on a process to obtain local “review” of transaction requests that would be consistent across the state. If your office currently uses a pre-approval document, please continue to do so.
Expense Reports
Here are some job aids on creating expense reports.
· Create Expense Report for Transactions (Travel)
· Create Expense Report for Transactions (Non-Travel)
PCard managers have the sole responsibility of entering expense reports for non-travel purchases.
You will not be notified by the system when a transaction is uploaded from the bank. You will need to go in to create expense reports and pull in the card transactions as needed.
Reminder emails for UN-expensed transactions are expected to be sent late in the month to alert you that you have transactions that require expense report entry.
Business Justifications
The FAES Finance Service Center has asked Cost Center Managers (that’s Jesse) to critically review business justifications on expense reports for thoroughness.
The “business purpose” field in the expense report header is not free-form. Your full business purpose should be stated in the “Memo” section of the header, and a shortened business purpose in the “business reason” field in the Item Detail on the Expense Lines tab. This is to be critically reviewed by Cost Center Managers to watch for thoroughness in the memo section.
Please be sure to include a thorough business purpose that explains why we are purchasing something, beyond just what you purchased.
Grouping Expenses and Itemizing
You may include multiple transactions on a single expense report if they fall under the same business purpose. Please be sure to upload all receipts and backup documentation, then double-check the Worktags in the Expense Lines tab. You may assign different worktags to each expense in the itemization if necessary.
The Service Center is seeking further clarification on what expenses/receipts may require itemization. The PCard office has given the example of a hotel receipt. If there is lodging, parking, internet access and taxes, all of those need to be itemized on the expense report. It seems that if your receipt includes items that would fall under different spend categories, then it would require itemization. Will communicate further clarification on this point when it’s received.
Choose Actual Transactions for the Report from the List
Be careful in the early going about not accidentally creating a personal reimbursement to yourself instead of a PCard expense report. It uses the same panel, but for the pcard expense report you have to choose the actual transactions for the report from the list of transaction provided by the bank (part of the expense report panel for Pcard managers).