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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


PCard Monthly Statements

May. 12, 2020

PCard Office and Controller does not require any significant effort with reviewing, handling and/or retaining PCard statements.

  • Monthly bank statements have evolved to be less significant.  This resulted from statements no longer containing sensitive Univ data, and, system enhancements for end-to-end electronic reallocation / review.    
  • Statements are redundant information and only lists transactions loaded to the system.  An eReport (reconciliation or transaction) provides same information. 
  • PCard Office actively directs customers to eReports as an alternative for “missing” statements.  (Bank will not re-issue.)
  • Current PCard Policy only references a high-level cursory “monthly review” of statements.

New PCard Policy (with Workday) omitted all references to above “monthly review”.       [Jen Bulla]
