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Ohio State University Extension


Mediasite for Video Links to Use on Webpages

July 13, 2023

Login in to

+ Add Presentation

Upload Video/Browse Files

Select the video file located on computer

Name it/give description

Click “Create Presentation”

It will upload the video – currently working…give it a few minutes

Once a thumbnail image of the video shows, move the slider on the right hand side of the page under “Who can see it” to “Everyone”

Then click the “Share Presentation” under “Share” section

Under the “Quick Link” tab copy the link url address with the “copy” button


This link can be used on a webpage to view. If a more polished URL is preferred, then follow these additional steps to create a Go Link


Login to account

Paste the mediasite url where it says “paste your link here” under “link to shorten”

Then under “Alias(es)” write in a short description using words in dashes where it says “leave blank for an autogenerated alias”

Click Save Link

Under the “Manage” section, click the Alias(es) that was just created under the Alias(es) column

Click the “Copy” button to the right of the go link url

Paste that URL into the webpage for people to select and redirect to the video
