Better business justification needed on food/meal purchases- entries are telling what and who, but not really addressing the "why".
Examples of a better justification:
-"Food provided to the participants (external) of the Pesticide Recertification training. Meal cost was part of their registration fee, and meal was provided because this is an all-day event that crossed over mealtime"
-"Food provided to volunteers that helped conduct local county educator interviews. The interviews were conducted throughout the morning, and a lunch was provided during the discussion and selection of the candidate so the volunteers could wrap up and return to their normal afternoon activities"
-"Refreshments provided to members of the 4-H Junior Leaders Club. The Junior Leaders meet in the early evening once a month and refreshments are provided since members are missing meals at home to attend."
I hope these examples give you an idea of how to apply this "why" logic to other instances in which we provide food.
Remember, food for only employees is extremely discouraged, cannot be a recurring event, should not be an "on the job" meal. There are allowable instances to provide food for employees at area/regional/statewide in-services, as well as holiday and retirement (not just leaving the university) celebrations.
If PCard managers are asked for the PCard or to do a requisition for a meal that would only involve employees, please contact Jesse if you are unsure of the allowability of the purchase to talk through it.