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Ohio State University Extension


Find a Supplier in Ohio State’s Contract Book

Jan. 29, 2022


Description automatically generatedThe Office of Business and Finance has a look-up tool to find the University contracted suppliers we are to use and their contact information.

Type in URL in your browser’s address bar, scroll down to see Find a Supplier.

Ohio State's contract book can now be searched by category, supplier designation or keyword.

In KEYWORDS type in what you are looking for: furniture, copier, apparel, etc.

Keeping in mind we have University mandated contracts to abide by too:

Office supplies: Staples Advantage

Copier supplies: ComDoc

Drinks on campus: Coca-Cola Bottling Co.

Parcels/packages sending: UPS

NOTE: there are advantages to utilizing contracted suppliers such as competitive pricing, no bid limits, no contracts to sign, no supplier setup, no service agreements for skilled trades or other services.

This page will show if a marketplace supplier utilizes marketplace quotes:
