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Ohio State University Extension


To Expense PCard Transactions

March 23, 2021

Before logging into Workday, be sure you have the associated transaction receipts available in electronic format for upload.

On your Workday HOME screen click on ‘Request Travel or Purchase’, choose Request an expense reimbursement and/or process PCard transactions – OR just at the HOME screen SEARCH for “Create Expense Report” - IF NO CHARGES SHOW UP AT BOTTOM OF SCREEN, then there isn't any 'PCard Expensing' to be done.


  • There is nothing you should do (or can do) in the system before the card is charged, or before the charge shows up in Workday.
  • Be sure to fill in MEMO with CONCISE description
  • For Business Purpose- choose NON-TRAVEL – this will fill-in the Additional WorkTAGs as FN109 Public Service (a system-wide default code- so okay to leave as-is).
  • You cannot create an expense report for a charge until that transaction information has been loaded from the bank. This process would typically take two days from when the vendor processes your credit card.
    • Delays may occur depending on when the vendor processes the transaction. As you know, some online vendors do not process the card until the order ships. Small vendors may not “batch” their transaction nightly, etc.
  • It is possible to “batch” multiple transactions on a singe expense report- Please keep to same Expense Item type and not go over 5 per report... best to put in one charge per report (unless credit is to be applied, then try to get both the charge and the credit in the same report) - so if one charge has an issue, it' not holding up the rest.
  • Be careful about not accidentally creating a personal reimbursement to yourself instead of a PCard expense report. It uses the same panel, but for the pcard expense report you have to choose the actual transactions for the report from the list of transaction provided by the bank (part of the expense report panel for Pcard managers).

Here are the steps from ARC:

  1. Create Expense Report for Credit Card Transactions (non-travel)

    All non-travel PCard transactions must be expensed within 7-10 business days of the transaction date and no later than one week of the bank’s monthly cycle end date.

    Critical Note

    Important Note:  Consult your college/unit or service center for alternate processing options when the worker associated with the transaction is unable to complete the expense function.

    See related Job Aid - Expense Report for Travel Related Credit Card Transactions

    Critical Note

    Before logging into Workday, be sure you have the associated transaction receipts available in electronic format for upload.

    1. In Workday, type create expense report in the search bar and click enter.
      1. This takes you to the expense report information entry page.  There are multiple fields that pre-populate.  Company, Expense Report Date and Worktags (e.g. Cost Center, Balancing Unit, et al) can be left with the defaults displayed.
    1. Since this is for non-travel transactions, select the default Create New Expense Report
    2. Enter a general description in the Memo field
      1. Multiple transactions can be batched into one expense report if all transactions are non-travel. 
      2. Transaction batching should be completed at a minimum of once/week.
    3. Select a Business Purpose (this is required).  Since this is for non-travel transactions, select Non-Travel only.
    4. Under Credit Card Transactions, check the box next to the specific transaction line(s) to be expensed. 
      1. Select only transactions that are non-travel. 
        1. Travel related transactions must be processed with a SA# - see job aid Expense Report for (Travel) Credit Card Transactions
        2. You can check the Select All box only if all transactions are non-travel.
      2. Transactions can be bundled in one expense report (excluding any travel related transactions).
      3. If managing multiple cards, click on the Last 4 Digits of Credit Card Number (at far right of the transaction line) to filter output display to 1 card.
      4. For reference purposes, refer to the applicable PCard Tracking Log that matches the last 4 digits of credit card number displayed.
    Helpful Note

    Quick Tip:  In the Credit Card Transactions list, clicking on the table headers will permit additional filtering of the output display (e.g. date can be filtered to a specific time period to limit display output).

    1. Click OK
    2. The selected transactions will appear in the left side as independent expense lines.
    3. Click on each transaction to enter Expense Line details:
      1. Attach transaction receipt documentation (either drag/drop or select).
      2. Enter Expense Item (either key in or select from non-travel options)
      3. In the Memo, add a detailed description of purchase (e.g. Membership Fee 2021)
      4. Edit/adjust Worktag fields (e.g. Cost Center, Balancing Unit, etc.) as appropriate.
    1. Enter Item Details- IF you are splitting out the Expense Item, or Fund#s...
      1. Enter Business Reason (e.g. business purpose, including who, what, why, when)
      2. For Service Center Cards only, enter Requisition # and Exception Reason (if applicable).
      3. Check box to indicate receipt attached.
    Helpful Note

    Quick Tip:  If the transaction requires an itemization of expenses (e.g. separating parking that may show on Hotel invoice, click on Add under Itemization to break-out the Expense Line and Item Details appropriately).

    1. Comments may be entered as needed.
    1.  Scroll back to top to select next transaction in list and follow previous steps for Expense Line and Item Details.
    1. Click Submit when all transactions have been completed with Expense Line and Item Details (including receipt).