Student Scholarships and Student Awards
- Payments directly to youth for “scholarships” (which we will call “student awards”) will be done with a “Miscellaneous Payment” in Workday.
- First- check to see if payee is in the system, if not- Create Miscellaneous Payee - choose "Student" as Misc Payee Category, be sure to fill out the TAB CONTACT INFORMATION and attach the Supplier/Payee Setup Form in the Attachments TAB before hitting OK.
- Payee type “Student”
- Memo: “Extension Youth Award”
- Attach Supplier/Payee Setup Form, or choose existing payee (Please do NOT fax or email the form to Supplier Maintenance)
- Then Create Miscellaneous Payment- using the new Misc Payee #-
- *** FOR BOTH MP and SIR:
- Attach any backup documentation (award letter)
- Handling code is RE-Regular
- Statutory Invoice Type: "Other Non-PO Invoices USA"
- SC10949 "Awards and Prizes"
- Other institution scholarships: Done with “Create Supplier Invoice Request”- for scholarship payments directly to non-OSU institutions (preferred process instead of paying individual due to tax implications)
- Create Supplier Invoice Request
- Memo: “Extension Youth Scholarship” and name of student (copy this into each MEMO line)
- Invoice Number: Student First Last Name, Student ID, "Scholarship"
- Attach any backup documentation (award letter) AND screenshot of remittance address from the insitutions Bursar's Office (this is a new requirement from AP effective 08/24)
- Choose supplier (institution) and follow through the request to fill out additional required fields
- If a NEW Supplier (not in the system), please choose "SIR New Supplier Request" as the supplier in the SIR, and attach the supplier setup form to the SIR.
- OSU Students: Email student information and FDM values to Pat Whittington.6@osu.edu, all OSU student scholarships are handled internally- Phone: 614-247-6236 and provide the student's name, student's OSU ID, award amount, scholarship name and endowment ORG and fund number. Must use an endowment or gift fund either FD500 or FD510 Worktag for any OSU student scholarships.
- Payments directly to youth for “scholarships” (which we will call “student awards”) will be done with a “Miscellaneous Payment” in Workday.