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Ohio State University Extension


Charter Bus Contracts

Dec. 8, 2021

Chartering a bus must have an SA# (Spend Authorization) and in order to create that, the GROUP that is traveling will need to be set up as an External Committee Member (ECM) in Workday. Use "Expenses for Group Travel" in the Committee field. Hint: only type 'group' in the committee field and hit enter.

Step 1) Work with any contracted charter bus company, (for STM (Short's Travel Management) contact Nick Gyllin ( 319.212.5413, Director of STM Driven). Need to ask the company to create a Quote for the trip and to upload that Quote into Workday and get a Quote # from them (to include letters and numbers). In the PO process (Step 4) you will enter that Quote # in the Marketplace Quotes to pull that into your Requisition.

a) Have the specifics of the trip ready: travel dates, estimated passenger count, estimate departure and arrival times and locations. No cancellation fees within 14 days.

Step 2) Create the ECM (External Committee Member) for the group in Workday. Job Aid: External Committee Member (ECM) Non-Employee Reimbursement, for FIRST NAME can use XXCounty,  and LAST NAME XXConf or such, do not use your name there .

Step 3) Create Spend Authorization for Non-Worker- use the group name for the SA

Step 4) Create Requisition in Workday for a PO to pay STM, must have the SA# secured first.

STM is one that is in the system as a supplier. They also can be used to expand our options to other providers because they cover the additional insurance required by the University.

Charter Bus Contracts - - Home - Buy, Schedule, Travel - Purchasing - Find a Supplier - STM Driven

NOTE: The ECM will be for the GROUP that is traveling, in order to get them a SA# to travel and for OSU to pay for the bus. Must have phone number, full mailing address and email address of the group requesting to put into the system. Vendor Setup form not needed.

First check in Workday IF the non-employee/Group may already be in the system. If they are in as a SUPPLIER, they will still need to be entered in as an ECM as they will not pull into the name field otherwise. See this Bus Rental Job Aid if further questions.