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Ohio State University Extension


Blanket Purchase Orders- FY26 can request after April 14, 2025

Jan. 24, 2025

Blanket Orders are used for transactions that occur frequently, have a high variation of product types, have undetermined timing, and are not available in Buckeye Buy. Not to be used for 'GOODS', only Services.

Accounts Payable advises users to include the service to be provided and frequency in the description line of the requisition. It will also be helpful to include the expected term agreement details in the memo to supplier field (example, $50.00/month for 12 months).  

Please note: if this is a renewal PO, remember to inidicate the old PO# in a comment or memo box.

Blanket PO Guidance from the Service Center

OSU Purchasing will begin accepting requisitions for FY26 blanket POs beginning 4/14/2025. Please do not submit any FY26 blanket renewal requests until after that date.

Blanket Purchase orders are generally for scheduled services (where we pay multiple invoices throughout the year) or for goods orders with weekly ordering frequency. In Extension, we generally do not have any goods blanket POs issued. Blanket services POs may be for postage machines, lawn mowing, snow removal, storage units, contracted services like teaching, etc.

When you submit these requisitions, be sure to select "blanket" as the req type, and use the services requisition line.

For any services that have a single annual payment, even if the service covers a full year, the req type should be "non-catalog" and not a blanket.