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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Performance Planning: Sample Goals

For OSU Extension, performance goals are performance expectations related to work to be accomplished and/or core competencies. Professional development goals are goals focused on plans for learning and development. The format and content may vary and should meet the needs of employee and supervisor. What is most important is that they are clear and measurable enough to evaluate at the end of a year.

Sample performance goals

  • Customer service: Use feedback from performance review to develop a plan regarding improved customer service with at least two specific strategies. Share with supervisor by March 1 and then implement.
  • Communication: Enhance quality, readability and accuracy of online newsletter content. For March newsletter, prepare draft by February 15 and then ask "John" to review and provide feedback. Apply his suggestions to revisions and launch newsletter by March 1 (I have also set a professional development goal to help in this area). Identify person(s) who are willing to review monthly newsletters to assure improved content, format and accuracy is maintained.
  • Create a basic Disaster Recovery Plan: The plan will contain agreements/collaboration with one or more departments on campus. This is to be accomplished by July 1.
  • Assume leadership for reconciling eReports for unit. Reconcile the standard monthly reports from eReports for funds in our unit. Complete by the end of each month for previous month’s report.
  • Establish and maintain a process for gathering, completing and tracking travel requests and reimbursement forms within three days of receipt 90 percent of the time.
    • Develop and communicate process to all appropriate users within the unit by no later than September 15.
    • Develop mechanism for tracking progress share with manager by September 15.
    • Provide weekly reports .
  • Develop and implement parent and family engagement plans for afterschool program to include two to four high-quality family outings and two to four on-site events. Include program evaluation in each plan. The plans should be consistent with program mission and integrate into the overall program plan. Plan and coordinate the above programs using the template already designed. An event plan, including marketing strategy, will be developed and shared with the team for each major event no less than one month prior to the event.
  • Lead a process to assess the current service learning program to determine goals, objectives, needs, opportunities and target audience.  Complete by July.
  • Reach at least six new agencies or community groups and recruit at least two of them to participate in a series of classes. 
  • Increase contributions to EERA by attending EERA meetings and collaborating with other FCS professionals to identify programming needs, identify ideal locations for delivery of programs to maximize accessibility to clientele from all counties in the EERA, and to plan with other educators, program staff, and volunteers (when appropriate) how we will deliver an appropriate mix of program opportunities for the fiscal year. Collaborate with FCS educators to design or select curriculum and deliver programs.
  • Market BR&E program in EERA and conduct programming with two new communities by the end of calendar year.
  • Improve documentation of program impact. I will plan and implement an evaluation of my training with beef producers, including an assessment of long-term impact. Evaluation will be completed by November.
  • Creative work: Present a scholarly presentation at two or more conferences. Have at least one journal article accepted for publication.
  • Conduct at least two county advisory committee meetings during the calendar year. Conduct a needs assessment with the group. Identify at least two key objectives from assessment to focus on improving this year.
  • Market at least 25 percent of annual programming via electronic social media delivery formats to expand presence and increase contacts.
  • Coaching and feedback for employees I supervise: Schedule and hold at least two check-in meetings with employees where we talk about their work, progress on goals, and issues. Complete by November. 
  • Develop and lead at least three staff development sessions for the team during the calendar year. At least one session should be on time management and/or a process for managing time.

Sample professional development goals

  • Complete training on reading and reconciling eReports and travel by March. 
  • Identify and participate in at least two professional development activities, during the review period, that focus on an understanding of and appreciation for diversity. Share learning at a team meeting. 
  • Attend two professional development programs outside the office within the calendar year. Target opportunities to improve X competencies. Work with county steward and area leader to coordinate budget.
  • Enhance knowledge and develop skills in competency modeling by attending competency wodeling workshop in September.
  • Develop coaching skills by attending workshop sponsored by the OSU Leadership Center and completing a series of follow-up sessions via WebEx. Complete by July.
  • Develop mentoring skills that I need for mentoring new educators. By February 1, I will read Managers and Mentors by Bell, and prepare a list of ideas I can apply with my employees.
  • Develop leadership skills: By December, I will enroll in one leadership development course/seminar.
  • Learn about options for a new program that needs developed for the XYZ team. By June 30, visit three other states and their similar programs to gain ideas for Ohio and to share best practices from OSU Extension. Share what we learned with my colleagues in a July team meeting.
  • Attend and actively participate in statewide EFNEP training opportunities: annual EFNEP conference and mid-year EFNEP conference.
  • Attend NAE4-HA national meeting in October.