Performance management is a systematic process for improving and sustaining human performance throughout the organization. It is important not to confuse performance management (involves planning, ongoing coaching and reviewing results) with performance evaluation (involves reviewing performance at the end of a time period). Performance management is an integrated approach to planning, coaching and feedback, and performance review.
Performance Planning
It is expected that the supervisor and employee will engage in professonal development and performance planning discussons at least once annually. Professional development goals and performance goals should be developed and documented. Information from informal discussions, assessments and performance feedback should be used in the planning process.
Performance goals are performance expectations related to core competencies and/or work to be accomplished. Professonals development goals are goals focused on plans for learning and development to address areas identified through developmental assessments, performance goals and/or career goals. At a minimum, goals for the upcoming year should be documented in an employee's written performance review or documentation. Ideally, performance planning should occur at any point when expectations change. More information...
Ongoing Coaching and Feedback
Coaching is an ongoing process of communication between the supervisor and the employee focused on improving current performance and building capabilities for the future. Coaching may involve informal conversations as well as more formal coaching meetings and written documentation. Supervisors and employees should hold check-in meetings at least twice during each performance period.
Performance Review
Performance review is a summative two-way discussion and written documentation focused on employee performance (areas of excellence, areas for improvement, goals related to performance and professional development).
Feedback provides employees and supervisors with performance information to supplement supervisory feedback and may include sources such as self, peers, clientele, or direct reports. Performance documentation provides a record of accomlishments during a review period.
Review discussions should be clear, address issues that directly relate to job performance, and include a balance between performance results (what was accomplished) and core competencies/areas of expertise (how those goals were achieved).
If you have questions or thoughts to share about our work on performance management, please contact your area leader.