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Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Local Checking Account INFO

Local Checking Account Resources


1) Ohio Sales Tax: by the 12th of the month following the month of the sale:

fill out the Qualtrics Form

See NEWS article: Ohio Sales Tax Reporting

2) Bank Statements

  • Upload bank statement by the 3rd Monday for previous month to ONLINE OneDrive -SHARED - XXCo Bank Statements folder

Safeguard Checking Supplies: for ordering Cash Receipt Journal, Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursement Journal and checks, contact Sherry Freier at Safeguard or 614-486-2752.

Local Checking Account Tools:

Local Checking Account and Pcard Restrictions – list of items not allowable from the local checking account or pcard, alternative procurement methods advised.

Local Checking Account Reimbursement - (Create Miscellaneous Payee/Payment) -Job Aid

Local Checking Account Job Aid

          Local Checking overview PowerPoint

                    Local Checking video

Buying Tool Decision Tree

Bank Reconciliation Form/Annual Average Form - Optional, In-Office aid for reconciling and tracking annual average (not to exceed $20K)

Checking Reconciliation Shadow Report - example for tracking program money within the checking account

Cash for Making Change Form - IN/OUT cash for change at a meeting

Refund Form - to gather all info needed to make a refund

Transaction Documentation Form - to gather all info needed to write a check

Check Request Envelope - to gather all info needed to write a check and to collect the receipt(s) to bring back to the office- good idea to print the Tax Exempt Certificate and have stuffed in the envelopes to be sure the purchasers have what they need to not pay tax.

Deposit Form- for Local Checking only

Returned Checks - Guidelines for dealing with returned checks.