CFAES Give Today
Extension Operations

Ohio State University Extension


Fiscal Overview

Fiscal Overview

Fiscal Guidance

Please refer to the document above for What Fiscal Process/Where to do Fiscal Process/Help with how to do Fiscal Process

If you have any questions please reach out to your Fiscal Operation Team contact.

Training Courses and Access

To get training needed for access to items such as PCard, Amazon, and Nelnet, the list below will need to be completed.  


Information Data Policy (IDP Training) - Taken every year   

Fiscal Stewardship for All  

Preventing Fraud  


Payment Card Compliance (PCI Training)   

Once the list is completed, follow-up is needed for security roles/access: 

  • Nelnet and Workday – Please reach out to Jesse Buxton.26 via email to let him know that you have completed the required training. 

  • UNIV and/or OSP Department PCard – Apply for a new card use the process in Workday. Job aid HERE. Once you receive the email from the PCard Office that your PCard is in, please forward the email, name on PCard, your Worktags and address to Dawnn Brown.1283.  For the UNIV Department Card, we suggest using the card name, "countyname County' and put Jesse Buxton in as the Unit Fiscal Officer/Cost Center Manager.

  • To request an Amazon Business Account go HERE.

  • Visit the CFAES Service Center Maintenance Request for changes or adjustments on an existing card.


Funds and Usage

Print Understanding County Funds

Review your county's funds and get familiar with what expenses are tied to what funds

Print Funds and Usage

Print the Fund Types Bookmarker or full sheet of Bookmarkers

Review Entry Form - In-office review before purchase, aid for entering into Workday

Purchases in Workday

Create Requisition


Review Local Checking and PCard Restrictions

Typical purchases made with PCard will vary by office

How to Create an Expense Report

Items needed to include in Expense Reports- Receipt, Business Reason for purchase, and the Worktags to be expensed 

Need to split charges with within Workday- Food and non-food items

Send Backs- look at comments, correct as necessary

Further information is available on The Administrative Resources page (ARC)

Travel Purchase on PCard

Reassigning PCard Travel Expenses

Tying Spend Authorization in Header Page

Print PCard Tracking Log

Print PCard Statement (if charges are made within prior month)

Fraud Charges/Lost Cards


Review Blanket and Overnight Travel Job Aids

Create Spend Authorization For Worker 

For Non-Worker 

 Blanket Travel

Commute Mileage 

 Overnight Travel

Attaching Documents/Policy 

Send backs 


Please utilize the Reports that Jesse shared in TEAMS- be SURE to Download first and then open/save to your computer!!

Ledger = Actuals 

Find Journal Lines – OSU:

Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually   Detail starts with the time frame you selected by the Accounting Date 

Detail Information  

Use this report for transfer documentation 

Use this report to show individual months to find the monthly total expenses and revenue.  

Revenue with credit (brackets) is an increase in revenue

Expense with credit (brackets) is a decrease in expense


Sources and Usage - Variance Analysis - see Jesse's reports in TEAMS

  High-level overview of funds

Details Activity Pivot - see Jesse's reports in TEAMS

Drill down on expense/credits for details


Equity Balances by Balancing/Carry Forward Worktags  - this gives a great overview of funds per Cost Center and current balances with all Worktags combinations:

Current and Prior Periods, Last Closed Period, or Monthly by Fiscal Year 

Use this report for a quick look at all funds' balances.

Use this report to find mismatched Worktags, example: using program number one time and not the other. 

Use this report to fill out a Funds Transfer Form or Expense Transfer Form - to correct mismatched Worktags.