OSU Extension Monthly Financial Review Checklist |
Reconciliation Process | Review Checklist |
Accounting Adjustments & Expense Transfers |
Accounting Adjustments are appropriate when adding/changing/removing a Worktag(s) in FULL from an original expense, INV-XXXXXXXXXX (from RQ/PR or SIR) or ER-XXXXXXXXXX. |
Expense/Revenue Transfer Webform |
Expense/Revenue Transfer Form – To request FDM corrections, move an expense or revenue to another fund, and to pay for specific expenses between University departments. Typically requires a copy of DETAIL REPORT to verify the location of the original transaction, for county-to-county please upload an invoice that has the Worktags to credit. |
NelNet Transfer Webform |
NelNet Transfer Form - To request moving NelNet RC1163 money in FD111 into Program numbers in FD111. Documentation needed: in the Webform upload the NelNet Revenue Transfer Form and a Find Journal Lines-OSU report that shows the RC1163 totaled with 3% subtracted off for Credit Card fees to be left in FD111. |
Fund Transfer Request – To request the movement of equity from one set of worktags to another that is not associated with an original expense or revenue transaction (see Expense Transfer). Consult with Operations before requesting a Fund Transfer. | |
OSP Cost Transfer Form - Required for any transaction moving costs on to a sponsored project or between sponsored projects. |
Travel Forms |
Updated Ground Transportation Log | To be used for in-state mileage Expense Reports from approved Spend Authorizations |
Travel Comparison Worksheet | To be used for travel to neighboring states |
Tax Exempt States | OSU tax status with these states |
City of Columbus Certificate of Exemption, Hotel/Motel Excise Tax | Certificate exempting employees from Columbus Hotel/Motel tax when staying on University business |
Business and Finance Links |
Sales and Use Taxes | The Ohio State University tax status as of January 2020 - To find the Tax Exempt or Non-Tax Exempt States or States with No Sales Tax |
Sales Tax Reporting Qualtrics Survey | To account for and report Ohio Sales Tax. Please complete by the 12th of each month. If you make a mistake, send one of us an email to correct your entry. |
Dollar General Tax-Exempt Approval | Good for 5 years, take this form to the store and not pay tax on purchases |
PCard |
PCard Tracking Log (Non-Travel) | To track the purchases on the PCard that do not have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance. |
PCard Tracking Log (Travel) | To track the purchases on the PCard that have travel. Linked from the Office of Business and Finance. |
Budget Forms |
Calendar Year Budget Worksheet | (optional) To manually track month to month expenses for a fund, sometimes used for county commissioner budgeting. |
County Appropriation Authorization Form | To report appropriation awards and request the Business Office to invoice for appropriations and other contracts. |
Program Activity Summary Worksheet | (optional) To track activity by program in a county. |
Program Budget Tool | (optional) To track revenue and expenses by program in a county. |
Workshop Budget Worksheet | (optional) To plan and report expenses for workshops. |
supplier Forms |
Supplier/Payee Setup Form | NEW as of 1/2025 |
Use with Supplier/Payee Setup Form for Individuals, Partnerships & Sole Proprietors |
Miscellaneous Forms |
In-office review before purchase, aid for entering into Workday | |
OSU Extension Deposit Transmittal Form | Extension staff use for sending donation checks to Chicago lockbox for deposit and to Detroit for OSP deposits. |
Employee Taxable Reporting Form | To report all clothing, and non-cash items provided to employees (e.g., apparel, gifts, prizes, awards, etc.). |
Non-Employee Gift/Award Tax Tracking |
To report all taxable items given to non-employees (e.g., apparel, gifts, gift cards, prizes, taxable awards, etc.) |