Read more about OSU Extension's current office staffing and programming status at
Thank you for your cooperation and collaboration related to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). The Ohio State University is committed to the health and well-being of our community; and OSU Extension remains committed to serving our communities in each county as this situation evolves. These are unprecedented times, and we sincerely appreciate your flexibility and support.
If you have questions, please contact your local OSU Extension office.
- Operations – Wooster, 330-263-3831
- Operations – Caldwell, 740-732-2381
- Operations – Columbus, 614-688-8330
- Operations – Hardin, 419-767-6045
You can also visit for office phone numbers and a direct link to each office’s website and staff directory. If you reach voice mail, please leave a message with your name and contact information, and you will be contacted as soon as possible. For information on the coronavirus and how to prevent its spread, or learn how the state of Ohio and The Ohio State University are working to keep our communities safe, visit: